The Farrell family

The Farrell family

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Shedding the Winter "Coat"

Morgan's hair has been the topic of quite a few conversations recently. For the last few years, throughout the Winter, he likes to keep his hair longer, and then he gets it cut shorter when the weather warms up. Well, this year, his hair has gotten quite long. This weekend, he went to Columbia to the MSHSAA Final Four with some friends of ours and they were giving him a hard time about his longer hair. In fact, they all sent me texts saying they were getting his hair cut. Good for them, I thought. However, they were just giving me a hard time. However, last night, I went to cut Marshall's hair (he likes his kept short) and Morgan decided it was time to go short! Below is a before and after picture of him. I sure hope he doesn't regret having his head shaved this early!'s colder today than yesterday and I'm sure we haven't seen our last snow yet........

Monday, March 15, 2010

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb

No, I'm not talking about weather.....although that could be an interesting conversation. I'm talking about our family's schedule. It seems like we are in the roaring lion mode right now! This past week has been the Elementary 5th and 6th grade basketball tournament at Pattonsburg. One of the two tournaments that our school basketball teams play in. Morgan's team played on Monday, Friday, and Saturday. They won the tournament! They were super excited!

Maggie had a Girl Scout sleepover at the movie theater and skating rink in Cameron on Friday night. Granny was gracious enough to take her at 11 p.m. and pick her up at 7 a.m. as I was scheduled to take my Middle School Math Praxis in St. Joe on Saturday morning and needed to get good sleep! Greg had to get Morgan to his game on Saturday morning and then they were off to a Boy Scout Merit Badge college in Trenton, so that he could earn a Merit Badge that he needs in order to advance to Star Scout. After the Merit Badge college, Morgan was to return to his friend Austin's house for his birthday party for a few hours and then attend a Boy Scout District Dinner to run a game, "Are You Smarter Than a Boy Scout". Following the dinner he went back to Austin's house for a sleepover, where he stayed up until 3:30 a.m.--new time!!! Guess who's tired today!?!

The Middle school Praxis test was HARD! I will get my scores mid-April, but right now I'm just glad that it is OVER! I'm not signing up for anymore until I find out if I have a teaching job for next year or not. With all the cuts schools are having to make, I'm not holding my breath!

While I was testing and Greg was running Morgan around, Granny had Mags and Marsh along with my nieces! They got to spend a day at granny's which is equivalent to having your heart's desire! How fun for them!

Needless to say, Sunday was a crash and burn day for us. I spent it cleaning house, doing laundry, paying know, all the fun mom things while the kids played, rested, and watched TV.....oh, and argued!

Hopefully, we are going to have more of a lamb-like schedule coming up.......doubt it, but I can wish can't I!?!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet

Last Sunday was Marshall's Blue and Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts! Marshall is super excited to be involved with Cub Scouts. He sees all of the neat opportunities Morgan has for Boy Scouts and wants to be part of it too!

We had a barbecue style dinner for the banquet so each family brought some type of dish that would be eaten at a barbecue!

Marshall earned his Tiger badge and was awarded a Super Duper Scout award for participating in all but one of the Pack's activities since he has been involved!

We are very proud of our Tiger Cub!

Girl Scout Father/Daughter Dance

Last weekend, Maggie and Greg got to attend their first ever Father/Daughter dance hosted by the Girl Scouts! Below are some pictures of them dressed up and ready to go.
This is a picture of them taken right before they left. Greg was excited to go, but was frustrated at me. They had their coats on and were ready to go when I remembered that I needed to snap a picture. He was grumpy with me!
This is a picture taken of them at the dance.

Another picture from the dance!
When they left the house, I was bummed because I wasn't going to get to see them at the dance. However, they hadn't been gone 5 minutes, when Greg called to tell me that I had forgotten to put in the special pair of earrings that Maggie was going to get to wear! So, Marshall and I hopped in the car and took the earrings to her! Then, we waved them off to have a good time at the dance! When they got home, Maggie was giggling about how she took her shoes off at the dance and stood on daddy's feet to dance! They had such a great time! What special memories she will have of this time with her daddy!