The Farrell family

The Farrell family

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Playing Catch....up!

Well, it has been a while since I got on here and updated things! The busier we get, the less I write!

Greg goes back to the doctor next week and will hopefully be released to return to work without restrictions. It has been a LONG 7 months! However, his back feels great, so it has been very much worth it!

Morgan is still playing basketball, but summer baseball practice has begun now. He goes to Camp Geiger this weekend for a campout with the troop that is going to National Jamboree. That seemed so far away this fall, but it is creeping closer and closer! That is going to be a long 12 days without him!

Maggie is dancing and getting ready for her recital in June, which is getting closer! She was not interested in playing softball this summer. When I asked her if she wanted to, she replied "Heck no! Have you seen how they throw that ball?" She is at the age where she would play fastpitch softball and isn't the least bit interested in getting hit with a ball thrown windmill style! ;) Smart girl! She did get to play basketball a couple of times with a travelling team that the girls' coach at school has. She did pretty good, but isn't as interested in it as her brothers! She is getting to do lots of fun things in Girl Scouts! I'm glad that she decided to join!

Marshall is gearing up for summer ball and is busy finishing up his Tiger Cub requirements for this year! He got to play in one of Morgan's ball games this past weekend and scored 4 points! He was ecstatic! He wants so badly to be big like his brother and dad! I want so badly for him to stay my "baby".....ha, ha, he's never been a baby!

I'm still on the job search. I have put applications in at several schools, but with my certification currently expired and looking in a different content area, I'm not sure that I'm going to find anything. It just may not be my time to go back yet! I'm good with that. I'm not really sure I want to leave my kiddos at daycare yet! God will take me where He wants me!

Well, that's all for now! I'll post more later!