The Farrell family

The Farrell family

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A House Full of People

Friday night Morgan had a basketball game at Stewartsville prior to their Varsity Homecoming. Our team beat them "22" to 5, but they stopped giving us points about 5 minutes into the first half at our coaches's request. Maggie swears that we had at least 40 points. I don't know, but the boys played really well!

After the game, three of the players and their families came to our house for pizza and Wii and visiting. Maggie had a friend from her class spend the night and the house was full of action!

On Saturday, Morgan went with the Varsity Boys' Basketball team to their first game of the HDC Conference Tournament. Our friends', Eric and Deanna, three boys came and spent the night on Saturday night so that they could go to the city for a special night out! The kids had a good time playing outside, shooting baskets in the basement and playing Mario Super Sluggers on the Wii.

On Sunday morning, we skipped church (bad on us) and Maggie and I went and got groceries. After the Lewis' boys were picked up, we took naps and just enjoyed the rest of the afternoon watching TV!

The past two days have been BEAUTIFUL and we have enjoyed having outside time at the daycare! This is the time of year when "cabin fever" starts! Tomorrow is supposed to be cold again, but at least we had a couple of good days to get us going!

1 comment:

Megan said...

This weather has been such a teaser! Allison has loved spending extra time outside at daycare. When she tells me about it, I have to admit, I get a little jealous since I'm inside all day!