The Farrell family

The Farrell family

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Run, run, run....

That's what we have been doing lately.....running. But, then again, that's what we do all the least for now. In a few short years (fewer than I realize) this part of our life will be over and we will wonder what to do with ourselves.

The school year is winding down and the kids are looking forward to their summer break! Maggie and Marshall are not the least bit interested in summer school and did not want to sign up. Morgan, who has the busiest schedule of all, did sign up but I'm not sure if he will follow through!

Morgan was supposed to have his first baseball game tonight, but it has been rained out, so it will be next Tuesday night for him! He has been very busy this last past month with baseball practice and Boy Scouts. He has spent three of the last four weekends on Boy Scout campouts! This past Saturday, after I picked him up, he said he just wanted to go home and stay there! I completely understood! He received his First-Class Scouting badge this past Saturday and has to complete one more merit badge in order to be a Star Scout! He works very hard!

Maggie's dance year is winding down with the recital in mid-June! She had her Girl Scout bridging ceremony last Monday night and is done for the year with that. She will start back again in the fall. She has really enjoyed scouts!

Marshall has been busy with baseball practice and Cub Scouts. He bridged to the Wolf Den on the last Saturday in April and will get to go to Cub Scout Day Camp and possibly Resident Camp this summer. He is also playing Machine Pitch baseball this summer! He is very excited about that!

We are headed to Vandalia this weekend for Greg's nephew Mason's graduation from high school! It doesn't seem like that long ago that he started kindergarten! AAAGGGHHH!!! I know what this means for my own kids! Morgan will be in 7th grade next year! I can't believe that I will have a junior high student!

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