The Farrell family

The Farrell family

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Santa was good to the Farrell children this year.....although I have a few issues with him!! We celebrated our first Christmas in our basement this year since it was finished. As I have mentioned before, the kids wanted to have our Christmas down there, so two trees went up this year!! However, apparently Santa didn't get the 411 on the change in locations and missed out on his cookies and milk!! He left the kids' presents by the upstairs tree with a note asking about his goodies!?! We have decided next year we will either leave the milk and cookies upstairs or leave the big guy a note directing him to them!!

We celebrated Christmas with my dad and his wife on the Sunday before Christmas and had a very relaxed and enjoyable afternoon. The kids got to run around and play with their cousins for a few hours and we had a good food and a great visit. I even learned how to play Bunko with my nieces and nephew!!

Christmas Eve we were at my mom's house with more good food and company. We ate until we were miserable!! We had fun opening our presents and then after a small bit of karaoke, we headed to church for a candlelight service that was wonderful!! After that, it was back to Granny's to change into our new Christmas jammies and then home to go to bed!!

My pictures are in reverse order, but as you can tell the kids were happy with what Santa brought them. Morgan got a new Harry Potter wand. Maggie got a mini Miche bag and Marshall got a .22 rifle (Santa---a gun!?!)

We spent all day at home with most of it in the basement playing with our new toys and spending time together!!

We will celebrate our Christmas with the Pollard and Farrells this weekend. We can't wait to visit with everyone!!

Getting ready to rip into the presents.!!

Mags with her mini Miche bag!

Marshall with his .22 rifle!

Morgan and his new wand!
Look what Santa brought!! Guess we were good this year!!

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